DIY Makeover: How to Revamp Your Space with Spray Painted Wardrobe Doors

Are you looking to give your bedroom a fresh new look without breaking the bank? One simple and cost-effective way to revamp your space is by spray painting your wardrobe doors. This DIY project is easy to do and can completely transform the look of your room. In this article, we will guide you through the steps to revamp your space with spray-painted wardrobe doors.

Materials Needed

Before you start your DIY project, make sure you have all the necessary materials on hand. Here is a list of items you will need:

  • Spray paint in your preferred color
  • Painter's tape
  • Sandpaper
  • Drop cloth or old sheets
  • Clean cloth
  • Screwdriver


Proper preparation is key to a successful spray painting project. Follow these steps to prepare your wardrobe doors for painting:

Step 1: Remove the Doors

Use a screwdriver to remove the wardrobe doors from their hinges. Lay them flat on a drop cloth or old sheets to protect the surrounding area from overspray.

Step 2: Clean the Doors

Use a clean cloth to wipe down the wardrobe doors and remove any dust or debris. This will ensure a smooth and even paint application.

Step 3: Sand the Doors

Lightly sand the surface of the wardrobe doors to roughen up the existing finish. This will help the paint adhere better and prevent chipping or peeling in the future.


Now that you have prepped your wardrobe doors, it's time to start painting. Follow these steps for a flawless finish:

Step 1: Tape off the Edges

Use painter's tape to mask off any edges or areas you do not want to paint. This will ensure clean and sharp lines.

Step 2: Apply the Paint

Shake the spray paint can according to the manufacturer's instructions. Hold the can about 6-8 inches away from the surface of the wardrobe doors and spray in a steady back-and-forth motion. Apply multiple thin coats for even coverage, allowing each coat to dry before applying the next one.

Step 3: Let It Dry

Once you have finished painting the wardrobe doors, allow them to dry completely before reattaching them to the hinges. This will prevent smudges or damage to the paint job.

Finishing Touches

After the paint has dried, it's time to put the finishing touches on your newly revamped wardrobe doors:

Step 1: Reattach the Doors

Once the paint is fully dry, reattach the wardrobe doors to their hinges using a screwdriver. Make sure the doors are properly aligned and secure.

Step 2: Style and Decorate

Now that your wardrobe doors have a fresh new look, take the opportunity to style and decorate the rest of your space to complement the new color scheme. You can add decorative knobs, wall art, or a statement rug to tie the room together.

Step 3: Enjoy Your New Space

Step back and admire your handiwork! Your newly spray painted wardrobe doors have completely transformed the look and feel of your room. Enjoy your revamped space and the sense of accomplishment that comes with a successful DIY project.


Revamping your space with spray painted wardrobe doors is a simple and affordable way to give your room a fresh new look. With the right materials and preparation, you can easily transform the appearance of your bedroom. Follow the steps outlined in this article to revamp your space and enjoy a stylish and personalized room that reflects your taste and creativity.

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